25th September> Debate with Slovene students (ULB, Brussels, BE)
26th September, 7:30PM> Transpoesie (MundPunt, Place de la Monnaie, Brussels, BE) reading
8th November, 7PM> Schamrock Festival 2017 (Naturhistorisches Museum Bamberg, DE) reading
11th November> Buch Basel (Basel, CH) impro reading & jam
20th November> A Solo For Two Voices, premiere (CD, Ljubljana, SI) dramaturgy > dance performance with Magdalena Reiter and Milan Tomašik
December> conclave
9th - 23rd January> LCB writer’s residency Berlin (DE) residency
17th January, 8PM> “Literarische Alphabete” (Stadtmuseum, Dresden, DE) reading & debate with Patrick Beck
26th January, 6PM> “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Valvasorjeva knjižnica Krško (SI) debate & reading with Vili Planinc
21st February, 7PM> “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Salon uporabnih umetnosti, Glavni trg 1, Maribor (SI) reading and debate with Zora A. Jurič; organised by Mariborska knjižnica
12th March, 11AM> Passa Porta, Brussels (BE) DW B, edition ATLAS BRUSSEL presentation & reading
21st March, 6PM> “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Knjižnica Ksaverja Meška Slovenj Gradec (SI) debate and reading
22nd March, 8MP> 45 dni feminizma (Ljubljana, SI) reading
31st March, 3PM> Störlesung reading
1st April, 10:30> Lyrikmatinee reading
April> Writer’s Residency in Sarajevo by JAK / Traduki (BIH) residency
25th April, 8PM> PEN Bosna - književna večer (Zvono, Sarajevo, BIH) reading & debate
13th May - 26th November> Newsreel #63 by Nika Autor (Slovenian Pavillion, Venice Biennale, IT) 3 poems featured among the contributing works
17th - 19th May, 5PM> Forum Tomizza
18th May, 4:30PM> Pesnik na cesti, Koper (SI) reading
19th May, 10AM> Simpozij: LAŽ, Umag (CRO) debate
25th May, 8PM> Center za poezijo Tomaža Šalamuna (Ljubljana, SI) reading with V. Dintinjana and J. Jakob
1st June, 5PM> Ljubljana’s presentation in Bulgaria, Town Library, Sofia (BUL) reading
4th June, 8PM> Final cover2cover reading of “Didaskalije k dihanju” (Stara pošta, Robbova 15, Ljubljana, SI)
14th - 18th June> XII Buenos Aires International Poetry Festival (ARG) poetry festival
15th June, 11:30AM> Poets with megaphone @ Mercado del progreso reading
16th June, 8PM> Recital des poesia 3 @ Biblioteca Ricardo Güiraldes reading
19th June, 7PM> Poesiefestival - “Europafunk” (Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE) reading at poetry festival
29th June, 7:30PM> Musil-Institut, Celovec (AUT) reading with Esad Babačić
July 1st, noon> Debate about “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Pranger (Rogaška Slatina, SI) festival debate
July 1st, 8:30PM> Festival Sanje, Medana (SI) reading at literary festival
27th & 28th July> Babelsprech-Lyrik-Konferenz (LCB Berlin, DE)
1st - 3rd September> Oslo PoesiFilm Festival (Oslo, NOR) reading and debate
5th - 10th September> Vilenica 2017 (SI) literary festival
5th September, 7PM> Vilenica, Salon uporabnih umetnosti (Maribor, SI) reading
6th September, 4PM> Vilenica, Jazz vrt Gajo (Ljubljana, SI) reading
9th September, 4PM> Vilenica, meetings students (Lipica, SI) debate
13th September, 7:30PM> Literaturhaus Salzburg (AUT) reading and debate, music by F. Moßhammer
15th September> Nathan-Projekt (AT), Kunstraum Bogenhausen (Munich, DE) impro reading & jam