Hostel Celica, Ljubljana (SI): Pesnice pesnicam debate on “Vesa v zgibi” February 7th > Galerija Pina, Koper (SI): Festival 3P reading with Barbara Jurič and Monika Vrečar March 21st > Vodnikova domačija, Ljubljana (SI), reading at Mlade rime with Nada Kavčič, Blaž Božič and Veronika Dintinjana April 1st > Slovenska čitalnica, Gradec / Graz (AUT) reading and debate with Tanja Petrič May 21st, 7PM > Pekarna (Gustaf), Mlade rime #6, Maribor (SI) reading June 6th > Mlade rime BENEFIT, Menza, Metelkova (SI) reading June 11th - 13th > Marche de la poesie, Paris (FR) readings with Jure Jakob, Tone Škrjanec and Milan Jesih July 1rd - 6th > Festival Pranger, Rogaška Slatina (SI) debates and reading with Jure Jakob, Dejan Koban, Glorjana Veber, Barbara Jurič, Denis Škofič and Vlado Žabot July > Vesa v zgibi nominated for Veronika Poetry Prize 2014, together with P(l)ast za p(l)astjo by Petra Kolmančič, Pričakujem pozornost by Blaž Lukan, Davek na dodano vrednost by Katja Perat, and Ona je mesto by Andraž Polič August 29th > 4:20PM, Breg, Ljubljana (SI) & live @ Radio ARS : Radio Nights in Old Ljubljana, Literarni nokturno poems read by Anja Novak & guitar by Igor Leonardi September 29th > Menza, Ljubljana (SI) - 9th birthday of Mlade rime 1st reading of the new cycle CAPSLOCK PESMI October 17th, 7PM > Pesniško-pogovorni večer, Trubarjeva hiša literature, Ljubljana (SI) reading and debate with Petra Koršič, invited by Andrej Medved October > Vesa v zgibi nominated for Jenko Poetry Prize 2014, together with Dekleta pojejo by Peter Kolšek, Davek na dodano vrednost by Katja Perat, Bull-roarer by Radharani Pernarčič, and Sprehajalec ptic by Denis Škofič October 20th > Festival Schamrock, Literaturhaus Vienna (AUT) reading with Friederike Mayröcker, Andrea Grill and Sonja Harter October 21st > Jenko Poetry Prize for best Slovene poetry book in the past 2 years awarded to Vesa v zgibi October 24th - 26th > Festival Schamrock, Pasinger Fabrik Munich (DE) reading November 7th, 7PM > Literatura, Ljubljana (SI) - reading with Aja Zamolo and Mitja Drab, impro by Jošt Drašler November 25th, 8PM > Virtual literary eve on www.pesem.si (SI), debating poetry with their members " alt="February 5th >..." name="shapeimage_2" usemap="#map1"/>http://www.schamrock.org
Klub koroških študentov, Vienna (Austria) reading and debate June > Sommer.loch Festival, Vienna (Austria) jamming with Rdeča raketa October > Behemot bookstore, Ljubljana (Slovenia) reading “Vesa v zgibi” cover to cover November > Klub Gromka, Ljubljana (Slovenia) Literatura’s reading with Simona Kopinšek and Janja Vidmar November > Buchmesse, Vienna (Austria) reading and debate with Cornelius Hell December > Library, Prevalje (Slovenia) reading and debate with Iva Kosmos " alt="June > Klub..." id="id14" style="height: 103px; left: 32px; position: absolute; top: 3469px; width: 629px; z-index: 1; "/>
Events ...
Gimnazija, Ravne na Koroškem (SI) meeting the students, reading & debate January 15th, 6 PM > Library, Ravne na Koroškem (SI) reading and debate in celebration of Jenko Prize February 4th, 8:30 PM > “Tace stran od tega jabčka!!!” (Menza, Metelkova, SI) actors live reading & musicians jamming to “Prototip” in celebration of Slovene translation release #vigevageknjige March 5th, 7 PM > ȌGL, Vienna (AUT) hochroth book presentation and reading together with Udo Kawasser - reading Francisco Ruiz Udiel - and Martin Trimmel (Deutsch) March 11th, 10 PM > Leipziger Buchmesse (Lyrickbuchhandlung, Galerie D21, Leipzig, DE) reading (Deutsch) March 14th, 10:30 AM > Leipziger Buchmesse (Cafe Europa, Halle 4, Leipzig, DE) reading and debate with Mona Hornung (Deutsch) March 17th, 8 PM > Lettretage (Berlin, DE) reading, together with Nataša Kramberger and Dušan Šarotar (Deutsch) March 30th, 9:30 PM > Mlade rime (Menza, Metelkova, SI) 8’ reading of new, unpublished poems: (1) Tukaj, nekdo [Here, Someone], (2) Voda Vojna [Water War], (3) Srce, ki ljubi, ljubi [A Loving, Loving Heart] (Slovene) April 15th, 8 PM > Mini teater (Ljubljana, SI) Mini večer na Križevniški debate with reading, moderated by Veronika Šoster and Julija Ovsec June 2nd > British International School of Ljubljana (SI), workshop with young fellow poets (English) workshop June 8th, 6 PM > Slowenishes Seminar auf Institut fuer Slawistik (Berlin, DE) reading and debate June 9th, 6 - 7:30 PM > “Europa Literarisch”, Collegium Hungaricum (Dorotheenstrasse 12, Berlin, DE) reading and debate with dr. Christiane Lange (Slovene / Deutsch) June 29th, late @ night > Mlade rime Maraton, Ljubljana (SI) ad hoc reading (Slovene) July 1st, 5:30 PM > Summer School of Vermont College (Ljubljana, SI) reading and debate (English) July 2nd, 8 PM > Sommerloch Festival @ Klosterhof, MQ (Vienna, AUT) reading with music intervention by Lukas Lauermann (Slovene / Deutsch / music) July 6th, 7 PM> Alte Schmiede (Vienna, AUT) Dicht-Fest 13’ reading, together with Reinhold Aumaier, Klaus Haberl, E. A. Richter, Cvetka Lipuš and Irmgard Fuchs, moderated by Christine Huber (Deutsch) Sept 4st - Nov 29th > invited to the international residence for artists Villa Waldberta, Feldafing (DE) October 15th, 7PM > Literaturhaus Graz, hochroth reading with Sophie Reyer and Stefan Schmitzer, Graz (AUT) (Deutsch) November 18th, 8PM > Sonderausgabe der Lesereihe “Liaisons”, Keller der kleinen Künste, Buttermelchstrasse 18, Munich (DE) reading with Nikolai Vogel (Deutsch) November 23th, 9:30 - 10PM > Blickpunkt Balkan / Radio Lora Munich 92,4FM (DE) live interview with Sadija Klepo November 24th, 7:30PM > “Von Tauben und anderen Voegeln”, Buch an der Au, Humboldtstrasse 12, Munich (DE) eve of poetry with Nikolai Vogel (Deutsch) November 29th, 7PM > Schamrock, Salon der Dichterinen 20, Pasinger Fabrik Munich (DE) reading (Deutsch) " alt="January 15th, 12:30..." name="shapeimage_4" usemap="#map2"/>http://www.ogl.athttp://www.hochroth.athttp://www.lyrikbuchhandlung.dehttp://www.d21-leipzig.de/http://www.leipziger-buchmesse.dehttp://www.lettretage.de/https://www.facebook.com/events/445081312310686/http://berlin.eunic-online.eu/?q=de/content/europa-literarisch-anja-golob-sihttp://vcfa.edu/writinghttp://www.textfeldsuedost.com/sommerloch-literaturfestival/sommerloch-2015/http://www.alte-schmiede.athttp://www.literaturhaus-graz.at/veranstaltung/lyrik-von-stefan-schmitzer-sophie-reyer-und-anja-golob/https://www.muenchenticket.de/guide/tickets/104uq/Schamrock+Salon+der+Dichterinnen+20.html
a reading of the whole book in reversed order in celebration of the self-published reprint of 2nd book “Vesa v zgibi”, a limited edition of 100 numbered issues feat. pimped-up design by Kaja Avberšek and a foreword by Domen Slovinič (Modrijanova knjigarna, Trubarjeva, Ljubljana, SI) March 15th, 8PM > Pot stripa od avtorja do bralca (Kinošiška, Ljubljana, SI) debate #VigeVageKnjige March 21st, around 10:30PM > Svetovni dan poezije (Pritličje, Ljubljana, SI) reading (World Day Of Poetry) March 21st, around 11:30PM > Mlade rime (Menza, Metelkova, SI) reading (World Day Of Poetry) March 23rd, 2:05PM > Radio ARS (SI) Kako se piše slovenskim pesnicam? radio debate March 30th, 6PM > Stanje gledališke kritike na Slovenskem (TSD, PGK, SI) debate (RŠ cover) April 14th @ London Book Fair > Selected as one of ten outstanding emerging European literary creators by the Literature Across Frontiers Platform, based in Wales, as part of the project Literary Europe Live (EU) April 21st, 11:30AM > Broadcast of “Žile žice” on Radio SRF 2 Kultur (CH) reading (Deutsch / Slovene) May > PEN writers residency, Antwerp (BE) May 20th, 2:30PM> Dept. for Slavic Languages, University of Gent (BE) debate with students May 29th - June 5th > CROWD omnibus reading tour from Finland to Cyprus; middle part of 2nd leg Berlin > Wiesenburg > Frankfurt / Oder > Slubice > Krakow (DE, PL) readings, debates, meetings May 30th, 8PM> Gasthof Moritz, Rabenstein/Flaeming (DE) reading with Alen Mešković and Ian De Toffoli June 1st, 7PM> Kleist-Museum, Frankfurt / Oder (DE) reading and debate with Maria Siakalli, Artur Becker, Rufus Mufasa, Harri Hertell, Alen Mešković, Ian De Toffoli and Ilse Kilic (Deutsch) June 3rd, 8PM> Cafe Szafe, Krakow (PL) reading, debate & randez-vous with Maria Siakalli, Artur Becker, Rufus Mufasa, Harri Hertell, Alen Mešković, Ian De Toffoli and Ilse Kilic (Slovene / English / Polish) June 4th, 2PM> Bonobo, Krakow (PL) meeting students of Slavic languages together with Alen Mešković June 4th, 6PM> Massolit Books, Krakow (PL) speed-dating with the audience (English) June > residency by Slovene Ministry of Culture, Berlin (DE) June 9th, 7:30PM > Die Buchkoenigin, Hobrechtstrasse 65, Berlin (DE) reading (Deutsch) June 11th, 5:15PM> Lyrikmarkt, Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin (DE) reading (Deutsch) June 21th, 8PM> Slowenisches Seminar auf Institut fuer Slawistik (Berlin, DE) reading and debate 12th August, 8 - 10PM> Improvizacija za Rog in orkester (Tovarna ROG, Ljubljana, SI) group intervention 1st September > “Didaskalije k dihanju” - 3rd poetry collection in Slovene release 9th September, 8PM> first public reading - cover to cover - of “Didaskalije k dihanju” (Stara pošta, Robbova ulica 15, Ljubljana, SI) reading & signing 16th - 18th September > Station: Literature, Stronie Śląskie (PL) festival #LiteraryEuropeLive (English, Polish) 21th September, 6PM> Od prve do zadnje strani z Majdo Kne (Konzorcij, Ljubljana, SI) debate about the new poetry collection “Didaskalije k dihanju” 26th September, 9:15 PM> Mlade rime (Menza, Metelkova, Ljubljana, SI) reading 11th - 13th October> Tiszataj magazine presentation (Szeged & Budapest, HU) readings 15th October, 7PM> Literaturina branja (THL, Ljubljana, SI) reading with Veronika Dintinjana 25th October, 6PM> “Didaskalije k dihanju” (Koroška osrednja knjižnica, Ravne na Koroškem, SI) reading and debate with mag. Irena Oder 28th October, 3PM> Schamrock festival (Pasinger Fabrik, Munich, DE) reading with Ann-Kathrin Ast, Franziska Ruprecht and Sara M. Schueller 8th November, 7PM> Pesnice pesnicam (Hostel Celica, Ljubljana, SI) debate and reading 10th November, 7PM> Čas za razmislek (Vodnikova domačija, Ljubljana, SI) debate 24th November, 3:15PM> Pisateljski oder (Slovenski knjižni sejem, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, SI) debate with Goran Dekleva 24th November, 9:30PM> Trnovski terceti (Pritličje, Ljubljana, SI) 45 minutes reading from all books 25th November, 5PM> Studio ob 17h: Biti literarna ustvarjalka danes (Slovenski knjižni sejem, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, SI) live recording of the radio show 26th November, 6PM> Literarni večer z Juano Adcock in Albertom Fornsom (Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, SI) reading and debate with Igor Divjak #LiteraryEuropeLive December 12th, 8PM> reading with Anja Kampmann and Toth Kinga (LCB, Berlin, DE) 1st - 16th December> LCB writer’s residency Berlin (DE) " alt="February 4th, 6PM..." name="shapeimage_5" usemap="#map3"/>http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/arsov-forum/174395533http://radiostudent.si/kultura/teritorij-teatra/gledali%C5%A1%C4%8De-kritika-in-bogovihttp://www.lit-across-frontiers.org/activities-and-projects/project/literary-europe-live-leul/http://www.srf.ch/radio-srf-2-kultur/playerhttp://penvlaanderen.be/overzicht-gasten-in-de-schrijversflat-van-pen-in-2016/http://crowd-literature.eu/omnibus-2/https://www.facebook.com/events/584566051711535/https://www.facebook.com/events/1874077226153262/http://www.schamrock.org/festival2016/Programm.htmlhttps://www.facebook.com/events/329086097448181/?notif_t=plan_user_invited&notif_id=1477828615027760
25th September> Debate with Slovene students (ULB, Brussels, BE)
26th September, 7:30PM> Transpoesie (MundPunt, Place de la Monnaie, Brussels, BE) reading
8th November, 7PM> Schamrock Festival 2017 (Naturhistorisches Museum Bamberg, DE) reading
11th November> Buch Basel (Basel, CH) impro reading & jam
20th November> A Solo For Two Voices, premiere (CD, Ljubljana, SI) dramaturgy > dance performance with Magdalena Reiter and Milan Tomašik
December> conclave
9th - 23rd January> LCB writer’s residency Berlin (DE) residency
17th January, 8PM> “Literarische Alphabete” (Stadtmuseum, Dresden, DE) reading & debate with Patrick Beck
26th January, 6PM> “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Valvasorjeva knjižnica Krško (SI) debate & reading with Vili Planinc
21st February, 7PM> “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Salon uporabnih umetnosti, Glavni trg 1, Maribor (SI) reading and debate with Zora A. Jurič; organised by Mariborska knjižnica
21st March, 6PM> “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Knjižnica Ksaverja Meška Slovenj Gradec (SI) debate and reading
22nd March, 8MP> 45 dni feminizma (Ljubljana, SI) reading
31st March, 3PM> Störlesung reading
1st April, 10:30> Lyrikmatinee reading
April> Writer’s Residency in Sarajevo by JAK / Traduki (BIH) residency
25th April, 8PM> PEN Bosna - književna večer (Zvono, Sarajevo, BIH) reading & debate
13th May - 26th November> Newsreel #63 by Nika Autor (Slovenian Pavillion, Venice Biennale, IT) 3 poems featured among the contributing works
17th - 19th May, 5PM> Forum Tomizza
18th May, 4:30PM> Pesnik na cesti, Koper (SI) reading
19th May, 10AM> Simpozij: LAŽ, Umag (CRO) debate
25th May, 8PM> Center za poezijo Tomaža Šalamuna (Ljubljana, SI) reading with V. Dintinjana and J. Jakob
1st June, 5PM> Ljubljana’s presentation in Bulgaria, Town Library, Sofia (BUL) reading
4th June, 8PM> Final cover2cover reading of “Didaskalije k dihanju” (Stara pošta, Robbova 15, Ljubljana, SI)
14th - 18th June> XII Buenos Aires International Poetry Festival (ARG) poetry festival
15th June, 11:30AM> Poets with megaphone @ Mercado del progreso reading
16th June, 8PM> Recital des poesia 3 @ Biblioteca Ricardo Güiraldes reading
19th June, 7PM> Poesiefestival - “Europafunk” (Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE) reading at poetry festival
29th June, 7:30PM> Musil-Institut, Celovec (AUT) reading with Esad Babačić
July 1st, noon> Debate about “Didaskalije k dihanju”, Pranger (Rogaška Slatina, SI) festival debate
July 1st, 8:30PM> Festival Sanje, Medana (SI) reading at literary festival
27th & 28th July> Babelsprech-Lyrik-Konferenz (LCB Berlin, DE)
1st - 3rd September> Oslo PoesiFilm Festival (Oslo, NOR) reading and debate
5th - 10th September> Vilenica 2017 (SI) literary festival
5th September, 7PM> Vilenica, Salon uporabnih umetnosti (Maribor, SI) reading
6th September, 4PM> Vilenica, Jazz vrt Gajo (Ljubljana, SI) reading
9th September, 4PM> Vilenica, meetings students (Lipica, SI) debate
13th September, 7:30PM> Literaturhaus Salzburg (AUT) reading and debate, music by F. Moßhammer
15th September> Nathan-Projekt (AT), Kunstraum Bogenhausen (Munich, DE) impro reading & jam